The 20-year-old goes for lip job, but look how she suffers afterwards

A girl’s life was put at risk after a horrific allergic reaction to lip fillers, which could have been fatal if she hadn’t sought medical attention.

The 20-year-old student wanted her lips to look swollen, but this cost her a lot since her lips swelled more than usual and the reaction could destroy her life.

An hour after she did the swelling of her lips, she was rushed to the hospital where the doctors gave her adrenaline, steroids, anti-allergic drugs and then her condition started to improve.

I was very scared because it happened so fast. And I felt a lot of pain, my mouth hurt a lot, I couldn’t see well because my eye was very closed.

“I kept thinking my face would never go back to normal.

“I was very scared, thinking ‘Oh my God, what have I done?’ and I’m very afraid that something worse will happen.”